Moses and Aaron asked the king of Egypt to let the Israelite people go to the desert to make sacrifices and worship God. The king said, “NO!”
Not only that, the king said that the Israelites would have to work harder to make bricks from now on. (Genesis chapter 5 verses 6 - 19)
The Israelites complained to Moses and Moses complained to God.

God said, “Now you are going to see what I will do.
The king is going to WANT to let my people go.
And the Israelites are going to know for sure that I AM GOD!”
God told Moses that some terrifying things were going to happen but the king was not going to give in until ……… something really BAD happened!
The king used to go for a walk beside the river Nile every morning. God told Moses and Aaron to wait for the king on the riverbank. God told them what to do next if the king wouldn’t listen to them and let the people go.
REMEMBER: the king had already said he didn’t know who God was,
and now God was going to show him.
So Moses and Aaron met the king by the river and they took the stick that had turned into a snake with them. When the king didn’t listen to them, Aaron hit the surface of the river with the stick and the water turned into blood! Yuck! The fish all died and it smelled so bad!
But the king said, No go.

A week later they went to talk to the king again.
This time God sent frogs. They jumped into the palace, into people’s beds, in their ovens …… there were frogs everywhere!
The king called for Moses and Aaron and asked them to pray to God to take the frogs away. He said he would let the people go. The frogs died and then the king changed his mind and said, No go.
Then God sent gnats. What are gnats? They are small, flying insects that can bite you! But the king wouldn’t listen to Moses and Aaron.
Next God sent flies. This time the king said the Israelites could worship God as long as they did it in Egypt. Moses told him that God wanted them to go into the desert to offer their sacrifices. The king said they could go a little way into the desert. Moses prayed, the flies left and then the king changed his mind again.
Next, God sent a disease that made lots of animals die.
After that he made the people and animals get sores called boils.
And after that, God sent hail that was so powerful that people and animals who were not under shelter were killed.
Then God sent swarms of locusts that ate all the food in the land.
Then God made it so dark for 3 days and nights that no one could leave their house.

The king called for Moses and said he would let the people go but then he changed his mind again. He was so angry that he said to Moses, “Get out of my sight! Don’t let me ever see you again!”
Moses said, “You are right. You will never see me again.”
God told Moses what would happen.
He said that he was going to kill the oldest son of every family!
To save the Israelite sons, they must put some blood from a lamb or a goat on the frame around the door of their house.
On the night this was going to happen, the Israelites ate a special meal.
They were all packed ready to go. The blood was put on the doorposts.
At about midnight, people all over the country of Egypt started crying loudly as they realised what had happened to their children.
Even the king’s oldest son was killed.
The king sent a message to Moses and Aaron. He said, “Get out, you and your Israelites! Leave my country! Take your animals and everything else with you and leave.”
So they did.
What do you do when you don’t know what to do?
Be like Moses and talk to God about it.
A CHALLENGE FOR YOU: Learn this verse & get a chocolate frog! (Anyone can do this, not just kids!)
"Don’t worry about anything,
instead, pray about everything.
Tell God your needs,
and don’t forget to thank him for his answers."
Philippians chapter 4 verse 6
Tell Mrs Clarke that you have learnt the verse to claim your prize.
Phone or text 027 374 9141
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Email jenniiclarke30@gmail